Business Women


Business Women

1.9 million workers are associated with the Self-Employed Women’s Association across 18 states in India. In the present era, women are recognized as successful entrepreneurs through their strong desire, qualities, and capabilities for robust economic development.

Women business owners endure many challenges on their way to success. But in today’s world, we’re starting to see the rise of a businesswomen’s empire in which they help each other succeed. In the developed countries, the ratio of business women was estimated approximately as 30% of their economies.

All over the world entrepreneurs face many challenges, but women in their turn, even more, including identification in the marketplace and limited network, both economic and political (Luetge, cited by Kleinrichert, 2010 ).

 According to Sen (1988) the access to the market has been historically denied to women in a way to stop them to be independent and active in the economy.

All over the world entrepreneurs face many challenges, but women in their turn, even more, including identification in the marketplace and limited network, both economic and political (Luetge, cited by Kleinrichert, 2010 ). According to Sen (1988) the access to the market has been historically denied to women in a way to stop them to be independent and active in the economy.

Namely, there is a social convention that women should do domestic (and unpaid) work and be dependent, passive. There are some studies carried out by the Organization for Economic in Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2011) that show that women spend more time in unpaid work (household and children care) than men even in developed countries (among them USA, France and Finland).


Women are under-represented among the population of entrepreneurs. They tend to operate smaller and less dynamic businesses than men, and are more likely to operate in non-capital intensive sectors including personal services, which often have lower potential for generating a high and sustainable income.